An application can connect to the IMDB Cache or TimesTen database by:
- and by client/server
You may see up to 2047 connections.
While the best response time is achieved with TimesTen running in-process with the application (also known as “direct mode”), conventional client/server access is commonly used when a database is shared by several applications running on different servers.
Applications access TimesTen databases using standard SQL via:
- OCI (Oracle Call Interface),
- Pro*C/C++,
- and Oracle PL/SQL programming interfaces.
The routines that implement the TimesTen functionality are embodied in a set of shared libraries that developers link with their applications and execute as a part of the application's process.
Articles Related
How to
see all current connections
with the ttxactadmin
[oracle@Exalytics-01 ~]$ ttxactadmin -connections DI_TT_AGGR_STORE;
2012-06-22 13:58:28.393
TimesTen Release
ID PID Context Name Program State TransID UID
1 2144 0x0000000000e926c0 di_tt_aggr_store ttIsqlCmd Run ORACLE
2 2387 0x000000000167a880 nqsserver ttcserver Run 2.0 DI_OBIEE_AIRLINE_AGG
1930 30384 0x0000000000c2e0e0 AsyncMV timestensubd Run SYS
1931 30384 0x0000000000bd9cd0 Deadlock Detector timestensubd Run SYS
1932 30384 0x00007fa894040c40 HistGC timestensubd Run SYS
1933 30384 0x00007fa88c0008e0 Aging timestensubd Run SYS
1934 30384 0x00007fa894055010 IndexGC timestensubd Run SYS
1935 30384 0x0000000000bb1530 Checkpoint timestensubd Run SYS
1936 30384 0x0000000000bc5900 Monitor timestensubd Run SYS
1937 30384 0x0000000000b9d040 Log Marker timestensubd Run SYS
1938 30384 0x0000000000b88c70 Flusher timestensubd Run SYS
1939 30384 0x0000000000aa4a70 Rollback timestensubd Run SYS
1940 30384 0x0000000000a4e430 Manager timestensubd Run SYS
11 connections found
where the program:
- ttIsqlCmd is ttIsql
- timestensubd is a sub-daemon
With ttstatus
[oracle@Exalytics-01 ~]$ ttstatus
TimesTen status report as of Fri Jun 22 14:07:33 2012
Daemon pid 30380 port 53396 instance tt1122
TimesTen server pid 2379 started on port 53397
Data store /u01/app/oracle/product/aggregate_store/tt_aggr_store/di_tt_aggr_store
There are 13 connections to the data store
Shared Memory KEY 0x5f11c0df ID 996376578 (LOCKED)
PL/SQL Memory KEY 0x6011c0df ID 996409350 Address 0x7fa0000000
Type PID Context Connection Name ConnID
Process 2144 0x0000000000e926c0 di_tt_aggr_store 1
Server 2387 0x000000000167a880 nqsserver 2
(Client Information: pid: 24436; IPC: TCP/IP;
Node: Exalytics-01 (
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000a4e430 Manager 1940
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000aa4a70 Rollback 1939
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000b88c70 Flusher 1938
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000b9d040 Log Marker 1937
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000bb1530 Checkpoint 1935
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000bc5900 Monitor 1936
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000bd9cd0 Deadlock Detector 1931
Subdaemon 30384 0x0000000000c2e0e0 AsyncMV 1930
Subdaemon 30384 0x00007fa88c0008e0 Aging 1933
Subdaemon 30384 0x00007fa894040c40 HistGC 1932
Subdaemon 30384 0x00007fa894055010 IndexGC 1934
RAM residence policy: Manual
Data store is manually loaded into RAM
Replication policy : Manual
Cache Agent policy : Manual
PL/SQL enabled.
Accessible by group oinstall
End of report