The load of the database in memory is dependent of the ram policy.
Articles Related
How to
Load and unload the database with ttAdmin
You can still manage it with the ttAdmin utility with the -ramLoad and -ramUnload option. It will place the database in memory, available for connections.
- Disconnect all applications from the database: TimesTen databases remain loaded in shared memory as long as any applications or TimesTen agents (such as the cache or replication agents) are connected to them.
- If replication has been started, pause replication on the databases, and then stop replication on the database that you are unloading from memory
- Verify that the RAM policy allows the database to be unloaded. If the RAM policy is set to always or inUse, change it to manual. When the RAM policy is set to manual, unload the database using the command:
ttAdmin -ramUnload myDSN;
If the RAM policy is inUse and a grace period is set, set the grace period to 0 or wait for the grace period to elapse.
ttAdmin -ramLoad myDSN;
Get the Status of the load with
[oracle@Exalytics-01 ~]$ ttAdmin -query DI_TT_AGGR_STORE;
RAM Residence Policy : manual
Manually Loaded In RAM : True
Replication Agent Policy : manual
Replication Manually Started : False
Cache Agent Policy : manual
Cache Agent Manually Started : False
when the value of “Manually Loaded In RAM” is:
- True: the RAM is loaded
- False: the RAM is unloaded
With the ttstatus utility
In Process of being unloaded
Action: Just wait
TimesTen status report as of Wed Jun 20 12:52:17 2012
Daemon pid 23522 port 53396 instance tt1122
TimesTen server pid 23531 started on port 53397
Data store /u01/app/oracle/product/aggregate_store/tt_aggr_store/di_tt_aggr_store
DATA STORE IS IN FLUX BY PROCESS 23526 - Disconnect processing waiting for subdaemon nFluxWaiters=1
There is 1 connection to the data store
Shared Memory KEY 0x5911c0df ID 711032838 (LOCKED)
PL/SQL Memory KEY 0x5a11c0df ID 711065607 Address 0x7fa0000000
Type PID Context Connection Name ConnID
Subdaemon 23526 0x00007f227c000d90 Manager 1940
Replication policy : Manual
Cache Agent policy : Manual
PL/SQL enabled.
Accessible by group oinstall
End of report
In Process of being loaded
Action: Wait
TimesTen status report as of Wed Jun 20 12:57:22 2012
Daemon pid 23522 port 53396 instance tt1122
TimesTen server pid 23531 started on port 53397
Data store /u01/app/oracle/product/aggregate_store/tt_aggr_store/di_tt_aggr_store
There are no connections to the data store
Obsolete or not yet active connection(s):
Process 23526 context 0x7f227c000d90 name Manager connid 0, nascent connection,
shmKey 0x6911C0DF PLSQL shmKey 0x6A11C0DF
Replication policy : Manual
Cache Agent policy : Manual
PL/SQL enabled.
Accessible by group oinstall
End of report
TimesTen status report as of Wed Jun 20 12:59:12 2012
Daemon pid 23522 port 53396 instance tt1122
TimesTen server pid 23531 started on port 53397
Data store /u01/app/oracle/product/aggregate_store/tt_aggr_store/di_tt_aggr_store
There are 12 connections to the data store
Shared Memory KEY 0x6911c0df ID 712048646 (LOCKED)
PL/SQL Memory KEY 0x6a11c0df ID 712081415 Address 0x7fa0000000
Type PID Context Connection Name ConnID
Server 26055 0x00000000007c8880 DI_OBIEE_AIRLINE_AGG@ExaAggSto 1
(Client Information: pid: 6020; IPC: TCP/IP;
Subdaemon 23526 0x0000000001890a70 Deadlock Detector 1937
Subdaemon 23526 0x00000000018a4f60 Checkpoint 1938
Subdaemon 23526 0x00000000018b9330 Flusher 1935
Subdaemon 23526 0x000000000194d780 Aging 1934
Subdaemon 23526 0x0000000001961b50 Log Marker 1933
Subdaemon 23526 0x0000000001975f20 AsyncMV 1931
Subdaemon 23526 0x000000000198a2f0 IndexGC 1930
Subdaemon 23526 0x00000000019f9220 HistGC 1932
Subdaemon 23526 0x00007f0fe00008c0 Monitor 1936
Subdaemon 23526 0x00007f227c000d90 Manager 1940
Subdaemon 23526 0x00007f227c0573d0 Rollback 1939
Replication policy : Manual
Cache Agent policy : Manual
PL/SQL enabled.
Accessible by group oinstall
End of report