Timesten utility are located in the following location: ttHome/bin.
See the readme.txt file for brief information on the utilities or the Reference Guide for more detailled explanations.
To get a full list of available options, run
ttTheUtilityName -help
Utility | Category | Script |
Setup.sh | Install/Uninstall | |
setuproot | Install/Uninstall | |
ttadmin | Administration | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttAdminCmd |
ttadoptstores | Maintenance | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttAdoptStoresCmd |
ttbackup | Maintenance | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttBackupCmd |
ttbulkcp | General Purpose | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttBulkCpCmd |
ttbulkcpcs | General Purpose | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttBulkCpCSCmd |
ttCapture | Diagnostic | |
ttcheck | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCheckCmd |
ttcrsactiveservice | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSactiveserviceCmd |
ttcrsbackupservice | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSbackupserviceCmd |
ttcrsdaemon | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSdaemonCmd |
ttcrsmaster | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSmasterCmd |
ttcrssubscriber | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSsubscriberCmd |
ttcrssubservice | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSsubserviceCmd |
ttcwadmin | Administration | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCWAdminCmd |
ttcrsagent | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSAgentCmd |
ttcrsapp | ? | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttCRSappCmd |
ttdaemonadmin | Administration | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttDaemonAdminCmd |
ttdaemonlog | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttDaemonLogCmd |
ttdestroy | Maintenance | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttDestroyCmd |
ttenv.[c]sh | Administration | |
ttIsql | General Purpose | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttIsqlCmd |
ttisqlcs | General Purpose | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttIsqlCSCmd |
ttmigrate | Maintenance | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttMigrateCmd |
ttmigratecs | Maintenance | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttMigrateCSCmd |
ttmodinstall | Administration | |
ttrepadmin | Administration | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttRepAdminCmd |
ttrestore | Maintenance | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttRestoreCmd |
ttschema | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttSchemaCmd |
ttschemacs | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttSchemaCSCmd |
ttsize | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttSizeCmd |
ttstats | cmd=TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttStatsCmd | |
ttstatscs | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttStatsCSCmd | |
ttstatus | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttStatusCmd |
ttsyslogcheck | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttSyslogCheckCmd |
tttail | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttTailCmd |
tttracemon | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttTraceMonCmd |
ttUser | Administration | |
ttversion | Diagnostic | |
ttxactadmin | Administration | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttXactAdminCmd |
ttxactlog | Diagnostic | TIMESTEN_DIR/bin/ttXactLogCmd |
ttthunk | ttThunk sets up the environment for TimesTen utility programs | |
uninst.sh | Install/Uninstall |