OWB - Directories Permissions

Card Puncher Data Processing


When you work in a corporate environment, sometime Oracle Warehouse Builder is installed and you have no (of just a little) permissions.

In this case, you may meet some problemes and messages.

As gold rule, you must have the right to write in the repertory owb_home\owb\bin\admin on the files ending with properties or layout (extension include) as :

  • RelationalDataViewerEditor.layout
  • ProcessFlowLayout
  • Preference.properties
  • DeploymentMonitorLayout.xml

Preference.properties (Access is denied)

When you modify a mapping and that you want save it, this error occur :

Owb Preferences Properties Denied

java.io.FileNotFoundException: Preference.properties (Access is denied)
	at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
	at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:179)
	at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:70)
	at oracle.wh.service.sdk.OWBPreferences.saveToClientStorage(OWBPreferences.java:367)
	at oracle.wh.ui.console.WorkBenchController.doRealcommit(WorkBenchController.java:1155)
	at oracle.wh.ui.console.commands.CommitCmd.performAction(CommitCmd.java:24)
	at oracle.wh.ui.editor.WindowHelpEventHandler.handleSaveAll(Wi

This file is located in the directory :


Error while trying to save layout

You can fire this kind of problem :

With the data viewer

You close it

Owb Error Relationaldataviewereditor Denied

This file RelationalDataViewerEditor.layout is located in the directory :


With the job detail

You close it.

Owb Error Deploymentmonitorlayout Denied

This file DeploymentMonitorLayout.xml is located in the directory :


With the control tool center

Owb Error Deploymentmanagerlayout Denied

This file deploymentmgrlayout.xml is located in the directory :


With the data object editor

Owb Error Schemaeditorlayout Denied

This file SchemaEditorLayout.xml is located in the directory :


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