You have this message when the control center service is enable to start an ABAP report.
Why ?
By checking the Warehouse Builder Control Center Service log file, you will see this error :
2009/03/20-15:40:03-CET [11D3226] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/mw/jco/JCO$Client
at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.rtp.NativeExecutionAdapter.execute(
at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(
This error said that the OWB - Control Center Service isn't able to find the class com/sap/mw/jco/JCOClient.
How to resolve it ?
This class belong to the SAP JCO connector.
If you work with Warehouse Builder 10.2, you must install the version JCO 2.18.
- Copy :
- the file librfc32.dll in the system directory
- the jar and the file sapjcorfc.dll in the directory OWB_HOME\owb\lib\int
- Stop and restart the OWB - Control Center Service to launch the jar file
- Restart your mapping and you're done.