System Component

Card Puncher Data Processing

“opmnctl status“, this will show you status of all the OBIEE core services “opmnctl startall” or “opmnctl stopall” run “opmnctl startproc ias-component= ”The details of this command can be found here: Opmn
E:\MiddelwareHome\instances\instance1\bin>opmnctl status

Processes in Instance: instance1
ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status
coreapplication_obiccs1          | OracleBIClusterCo~ |    4396 | Alive
coreapplication_obisch1          | OracleBIScheduler~ |    4996 | Alive
coreapplication_obijh1           | OracleBIJavaHostC~ |    4212 | Alive
coreapplication_obips1           | OracleBIPresentat~ |    3688 | Alive
coreapplication_obis1            | OracleBIServerCom~ |    4868 | Alive

monitor them
You can monitor them with the FMW console.

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Card Puncher Data Processing
(Weblogic|Fusion Middelware) - (Oracle) Instance

In Fusion Middelware, an Oracle Instance is a container for all of system (non-JEE) components and processes. An Oracle instance directory contains updatable files, such as configuration files, log files,...
Card Puncher Data Processing
(Weblogic|Fusion Middelware|FMW)

Fusion Middelware (FMW) is an application server composed of two technologies: Weblogic for java application and of the console (aka Enterprise Manager) for non java application An instance of...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Fusion Middelware - OPMN.xml configuration file

OPMN.xml is the main configuration file for OPMN that is used to launch each system component (such as Oracle Business Intelligence). It specifies environment variable (path, ...) PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH...
Obi Edition
OBIEE - DMS Metrics

OBIEE DMS metrics are available in Fusion Middleware Control for system components within a given Oracle Business Intelligence installation. Tools (GUI and scripting) available to see and get performance...
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OBIEE 11G - BI Domain - The complete OBI System

The BI domain designs a complete OBI system. It consists of: one single WebLogic Domain, containing WebLogic plus all of the Java components that are deployed into one or more Java EE (JEE) containers....
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OBIEE 11G - Currency

the Currency box on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab the Currency Prompt option on the Definition pane of the Prompt editor. The currency value is stored in the system session variable. This...
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OBIEE 11G - Oracle BI Fusion Middleware Architecture

The Oracle Business Intelligence system logical architecture comprises a single integrated set of manageable components called the Oracle BI domain which can be installed and configured to work together...
Obi Edition
OBIEE 11G - Scaling

in a OBIEE environment. The three system components that support both horizontal and vertical scale-out are: Oracle BI Presentation Services, the Oracle BI Server, and the JavaHost. There is...
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OBIEE 11G - Starting Oracle Business Intelligence on Windows

How to start the system... Oracle Business Intelligence runs within Oracle WebLogic Server, and therefore Oracle WebLogic Administration Server must be started before Oracle Business Intelligence components...
Odi Topology Jee
ODI - (Agent|Server)

ODI Agent is a lightweight Java process that orchestrates the execution of ODI scenarios. The ODI Agent can be installed to allow for lights-out processing of ODI scenarios developed with Designer :...

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