Powercenter - Error Catalog

Card Puncher Data Processing

Powercenter - Error Catalog

Could not acquire the execute lock

If a worklet fails with the status message below;

ERROR: Worklet task instance [wklet_name]: Could not acquire the execute lock for Worklet [wklet_name]

This means that the worklet is:

  • already working or suspended in some other workflows.
  • or in used in a debug mode.

bind: (WSAEADDRINUSE)Address already in use

When starting the debugger, you can get this error:

Establishing a connection to the Integration Service STAR_COBI_DVL_IntegrationService...
Integration Service STAR_COBI_DVL_IntegrationService acknowledged its ability to debug a mapping.
Initializing debugger...
bind: (WSAEADDRINUSE)Address already in use

This means that the debugger port is already in use. To change it: Tools > Options > Debug tab and below TCP/IP check “Pick a port number between Min and Max automatically”

Toolbar (Navigator, …) not visible

The position of the toolbars are saved in theb registry. If you use two screens in your work and that you're goint to work at home, you may loose then.

To restore the position of the toolbar, rename the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Informatica\PowerMart Client Tools\8.6.1\Designer\Toolbars 8.6.1

Powercenter Toolbar Registry

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