BOBJ - Universe Parameters / Data Source Connection

Card Puncher Data Processing


A connection is a named set of parameters that defines how a Business Objects application accesses data in a database file and is defined in an universes via universe designer.

See the Data Access Guide for complete information on creating, modifying, and optimizing connections

Create a new connection

From the parameters dialog

You can create a new connection from the Definition page of the Universe Parameters dialog box (File > Parameters > Definition).

Bobj Univers Parameters Definition

Connection Wizard

You can view all connections available to a universe from the Connections list (Tools > Connections).

Bobj Univers Wizard Connection

Selecting strategies

A strategy is a script that automatically extracts structural information from a database or flat file. Strategies have two principle roles:

Strategies can be useful if you want to automate the detection and creation of structures in your universe based on the SQL structures in the database.

In Designer you can specify two types of strategies:

Strategy Description
Built in strategy Built in strategies can not be customized. Default strategy shipped with Designer.
External strategy User defined script that contains the same type of information as a Built in strategy, but customized to optimize information retrieval from a database.

Bobj Univers Parameters Strategies

SQL parameters

Many of the parameters common to most supported RDBMS middleware are available for editing in the Parameters tab in the universe parameters dialog box (File > Parameters > Parameter).

Bobj Univers Parameters Parameter

These parameters apply only to the active universe, and are saved in the UNV file. When you modify an SQL parameter for a universe in Designer, the value defined in Designer is used, and not the value defined in the PRM file (parameters file) associated with the data access driver for the connection.

To know the list of available parameters, see the product guide xi3_designer.pdf page 88 section Universe SQL parameters reference.

PRM File

The PRM file is a text file that lists parameters used to configure universe creation and SQL query generation in Web Intelligence. There is a PRM file for each supported RDBMS.


Connections through ODBC to Excel and text files

You can create connections through ODBC to Excel files, and to text files in .csv format. In order that Web Intelligence can use a universe based on a text file or an Excel file accessed through ODBC, you must edit the msjet.prm file for the connection.

This file is located in the folder: INSTALLDIR$/BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0/win32_x86/dataAccess/connectionserver/odbc where

where INSTALLDIR$ is the directory in which your Business Objects applications are installed.

In the msjet.prm file, change the DB_TYPE parameter as follows:

  • From: MS Jet Engine
  • To: MS Jet

You must stop and restart the Business Objects Enterprise server after making this change.

If you are running Designer on the same machine as your Web Intelligence server and you want to create additional universes based on text or Excel files after changing this value, you must reset the value to

MS Jet Engine

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