
Card Puncher Data Processing


Getting Started

  • Ctrl + Shit + P

Environment Variables

  • ATOM_DEV_RESOURCE_PATH The path from which Atom loads source code in dev mode. Defaults to ~/github/atom.
  • ATOM_HOME: The root path for all configuration files and folders. Defaults to ~/.atom.


All of the Settings (Ctrl+,) are stored in the ~/.atom directory, specifically:

  • Custom styles: ~/.atom/styles.less
  • Custom keymaps: ~/.atom/keymap.cson
  • General settings: ~/.atom/config.cson
  • Installed packages: ~/.atom/packages
  • etc

Command Line

Atom Editor

atom -h
Atom Editor v1.7.2

Usage: atom [options] [path ...]

One or more paths to files or folders may be specified. If there is an
existing Atom window that contains all of the given folders, the paths
will be opened in that window. Otherwise, they will be opened in a new

Atom Package Manager

apm help install

Project / Directory Structure

You can add more than one directory to your current Atom window, by choosing “File » Add Project Folder…​” from the menu bar or hitting

# open both the hopes and the dreams directories at the same time.
atom ./hopes ./dreams 
  • The Tree view allows you to explore and modify the file and directory structure of your project. (Alt+\ to toggle the focus)
  • Ctrl+T or Ctrl+P: Fuzzy Finder: search for any file in any directory your project by typing parts of the path

Documentation / Reference

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Integrated development environment (ide)

At first, IDEs simply connected the big three: text editor, compiler, and debugger See The Big Bang Theory of IDEs, CASPAR BOEKHOUDT, INFORMATION METHODOLOGIES...

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