Java - Axis (Web Services / SOAP / WSDL engine)

Java Conceptuel Diagram


Axis is a Web Services client generation engine.

How to




maven dependency


Generate the stubs

  • Open the file wsdl2java.bat in the bin directory and add the following environment variable:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04
set AXIS2_HOME=C:\axis2-1.6.2
  • Download the WSDL file
  • Run the following in a command file:
    -o ../../../.. 
    -S src/main/java 
    -ns2p urn:// 
    -d adb
    -uri Obiee11gv6.wsdl


  • -o is the output directory
  • -S defines the source directory (on this case a Maven Path)
  • -or says that the generated class must be overwritted
  • -s Generate code only for sync invocation methods style
  • -ns2p will define different package by namespace (nsp=package) (for only one package, you can use the -p option). The namespace in the WSDL is the targetNamespace attribute.
  • -u to unpack the classe (you get more classes but also more details)
  • -d defines the data binding framework (default adb)
  • –noBuildXML don't generate an ANT build.xml file
  • -uri defines the WSDL path

The class will be written from the output directory to the source directory (-S) plus the defined package (-p).

More Options: CodeGen Command Line Version

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