JVM - Memory (The Heap)

Java Conceptuel Diagram


The JVM memory consists of the following segments:

  • Heap Memory, which is the storage for Java objects
  • Non-Heap Memory, which is used by Java to store loaded classes and other meta-data
  • JVM code itself, JVM internal structures, loaded profiler agent code and data, etc.


This example shows you how to set the memory parameters:

  • start memory (xms)
  • max memory (xms and maxpermsize )
java -Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -jar myJar.jar


-Xms256m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
-Xms64m  -Xmx512m  -XX:MaxPermSize=128m



The environment variable JVM_ARGS is used to override JVM settings.

For example:

set JVM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Dpropname=propvalue" 

Property Name


The heap memory is used to store Java Object.

The heap size may be configured with the following VM options when starting the JVM

-Xms<size> - to set the minimal/starting Java heap size
-Xmx<size> - to set the maximum Java heap size

If the application asks more than the maximum the JVM will throw the following exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : Java Heap space.

The heap is managed by the garbage collector policy.

Native/Direct Memory


Native memory is used when you make a call to C/C++ code or the operating system (nio,…)

Permanent generation

This space has been removed in version 8 and replaced by MetaSpace. https://openjdk.org/jeps/122

The permanent space is where the class metadata is stored.

-XX:MaxPermSize (Maximum size of the permanent generation)




With Jmx

MemoryMXBean memBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();
MemoryUsage heapMemoryUsage = memBean.getHeapMemoryUsage();

heapMemoryUsage.getMax(); // -Xmx flag
heapMemoryUsage.getInit(); // -Xms flag
heapMemoryUsage.getCommitted(); // given memory to JVM by OS 
heapMemoryUsage.getUsed(); // used now by your heap


Memory Analyzer (MAT)

Memory Analyzer (MAT)

The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.

Use the Memory Analyzer to analyze productive heap dumps with hundreds of millions of objects, quickly calculate the retained sizes of objects, see who is preventing the Garbage Collector from collecting objects, run a report to automatically extract leak suspects.

JMX client

You can use a Jmx client such as JConsole to monitor the memory.

Jconsole Memory Chart

Query heap dump via SQL


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