Answer Xml

Saw Object

found the column where you want to add the grand total formatting (one of the node )
  • and add the previous XML
You will then end up in our example with :
<saw:view xsi:type="saw:pivotTableView" name="pivotTableView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
<saw:edge axis="page"/>
<saw:edge axis="section"/>
<saw:edge axis="row" total="after">
	<saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c1"></saw:edgeLayer>
<saw:edge axis="column">
	<saw:edgeLayer type="labels">
			<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:comparison" op="greater">
		           <saw:columnRef columnID="c0"/>
			   <sawx:expr xsi:type="xsd:decimal">5000000000</sawx:expr>
			<saw:displayFormat backgroundColor="#FF0000" wrapText="true"/>
<saw:edge axis="measure">
        <saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c0"/>
Apply the XML and result
To apply the modification, click on the “set XML” button of the Advanced Tab and you will have a grand total conditional formatting:Obiee Pivot View Grand Total Formatting
Documentation / Reference

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Saw Object
OBIEE 10G/11G - Pivot View

This view displays results in a pivot table, which provides a summary view of data in cross-tab format. Pivot tables provide the ability to rotate rows, columns, and section headings to obtain different...

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