All about copying a webcat object (Generally an answer or a dashboard) from the same environment or to another.
To copy/paste an object, you can perform it in two different operations
- Archive/Unarchive
- Copy/paste
Each of them will ask you to choose the copy properties (ie how do you want to copy)
Articles Related
The Paste ACL options are as follows:
- Inherit pasted item: Inherits its permissions (ACL) from its new parent folder.
- Preserve pasted item: Preserves its permissions (ACL) as it was in the original, mapping accounts as necessary.
- Create pasted item: Preserves its permissions (ACL) as it was in the original, creating and mapping accounts as necessary.
- preserveOnlyGroups: same as preserve but only for groups
- createOnlyGroups: same as create but only for Groups
The Paste Overwrite options in the Preferences dialog are as follows:
- None: Pastes all files, but does not paste any existing files.
- Old: Pastes all files, but does not paste any existing files unless they are older than the source.
- All: Paste all files, whether they exist or not. The default is 'all', which was the default behavior in Release
- Force: Pastes all files, overwriting even those that have the read-only attribute set.
- clean: details about each inconsistent object are written to the sawlog.log file and that each object is removed from the catalog.
Catalog Manager Configuration
The two methods are configured through the preferences window:
Archive/Unarchive operations is available:
- From the catalog manager file menu
- From runcat (command archive/unarchive)
- From the web catalog manager
Archive is like any other winzip tool but keep the permissions. It only archives the list of items specified.
It won't pull in reports/prompts/filters from another part of the catalog that are referenced by an item being archived.
Example with runcat on how to move the /shared dir:
- Step 1: Archive
runcat.sh -cmd archive -offline $CAT_PATH -outputFile $(pwd)/shared.catalog -folder /shared
# The command archiveContent can also archive only a subset
# runcat.cmd/runcat.sh -cmd archiveContent -inputFile c:\Temp\Archive.txt -offline c:\oraclebi\data\web\catalog\paint -outputFile c:\temp\shared.arc
- Step 2: Copy the file to another machine
- Step 3: Unarchive The folder option is a relative target from the source folder. Ie with the '/shared' value, the target directory will be '/shared/shared'
runcat.sh -cmd unarchive -offline $CAT_PATH -inputFile $(pwd)/shared.catalog -folder / -acl preserve -overwrite force > unarchive_$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M").log 2>&1
The timestamp and the permissions in this case will be preserved.
The timestamp are not the timestamp of the filesystem but of webcat. They are stored in the attr file. You need to refresh the webcat before viewing the new timestamp.
The copy options is available:
- in the catalog manager
- in the web catalog manager
You can copy items from one catalog and paste them into another catalog. The mode in which the catalogs are opened makes no difference.
Example with catalog manager
- Start two instances of catalog manager on two different environment and perform an Copy/Paste.
You can also drag and drop. Note that drag and drop always makes a copy of the dragged items, even when performing a drag and drop within a single Catalog Manager.