OBIEE - How to sort on the column grand total value of a pivot view ?

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The problem

Obiee Pivot Sort On Column Total

In a pivot view, you don't have any options to choose the sort order on the column grand total (Amount sold in our case).

To sort on a measure column (Direct Sales for instance), see this article : OBIEE - How to sort on a measure column of a pivot view ?

The level-based measure solution

The data in a pivot view are sort by default with the sort order of the criteria tab.

As the column grand total of a pivot view is equivalent to a level based measures, the trick is to add this column in the criteria tab and to use it for the sort order.

So first, Create a level base measured calculations :

Obiee Level Based On Promo Category

Then, add it in the criteria tab and sort on it :

Obiee Sort On Level Based Measures

The result :

Obiee Pivot Sort On Column Total

Without a level-based measure

If you can't create a level-based measure, you can always create a pivot in a table view, add a total formula column and sort on it.

Limitations : you must have a finite number of value in the pivot column.

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