OBIEE - Where can I use a presentation variable ?

Saw Object


You can reference presentation variables in the following areas :

  • Answers :
    • Title Views
    • Narrative Views
    • Column Filters
    • Column Formulas
    • Conditional Formatting conditions
    • Chart scale markers.
    • Gauge range settings.
    • Static text.
  • iBot Headlines and text

Some examples are given below with a presentation variable “Year” and as default value the max of the year :

@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) }

A prompt has been first created to set the presentation variable : OBIEE 10G/11G - How to set a presentation variable ?


Formula Column

Obiee Presentation Variable Formula Column

You can also set it in a formula. Example :

   WHEN @{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) } = '2001' THEN 'It''s the year 2001' 
   ELSE 'You choose an other year' end


WHEN  @{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) } <  Calendar."Calendar Year" 
   THEN 'The Year is greater than the presentation variable ' || 
       cast(@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) }  as char)   
WHEN @{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) } =  Calendar."Calendar Year" 
   THEN 'The Year is equal to the presentation variable ' || 
       cast(@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) }  as char)  
ELSE 'The Year is smaller than the presentation variable ' || 
      cast(@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) }  as char) end


Obiee Filter Presentation Variable

Title View

OBIEE - Title View

Obiee Presentation Variable Date Format

Static Text View

OBIEE - Static Text View

Obiee Static Text Presentation Variable

Conditional Formatting

OBIEE 10G/11G - Conditional Formatting

Obiee Column Format Conditional Presentation Variable

Dashboard Object Text

You can also use a presentation variable in a dashboard text object.

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Obiee Presentation Variable Date Format
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