Custom message are XML files used to :
- manage the multilingual capabilities of Oracle Business Presentation Server
- manage some configurations of Presentation Services
- and add some features (OBIEE 10G/11G - Writeback Capabilities (Table of Pivot),…)
You can find them:
- in 11g: Oracle_BI_Home/bifoundation/web/msgdb
- in 10g: Oracle_BI_Data/web/msgdb
You must create/copy your file:
- in the directory :
- for 11g, ORACLE_INSTANCE\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obipsn\msgdb\customMessages
- for 10g, Oracle_BI_Home\web\msgdb\customMessages
- And reload the messages by clicking the Reload Files and Metadata link or by restarting the Oracle BI Presentation Service
Oracle BI EE first looks for files in the directories that have been specified for your modifications, then it looks in the directories in which it installed standard files.
Articles Related
Ability to change the password
Only for 10G
In a classic installation without external authentication system (only BI Server)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.siebel.analytics.web/message/v1">
<WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="ControlMessagesSys" table="Messages">
<WebMessage name="kmsChangePasswordLink">
<a insert="1">
<sawm:messageref name="kmsguiChangePassord" />
To sort on Column per default
Copy the OracleBI\web\msgdb\messages\answerstemplate.xml to OracleBI\web\msgdb\customMessages Open it and search for
<WebMessage name=”kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements” translate=”no”><HTML/></WebMessage>
Change the tag for
<WebMessage name=”kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements” translate=”no”><HTML>
<view signature=”tableView” sortable=”true” /></HTML></WebMessage>
Specifying View Defaults for Analyses and Dashboards
Specifying View Defaults for Analyses and Dashboards:
- Adding a Default Header or Footer to New Analyses. You can specify that default headers and footers are displayed on all new analyses. For example, footers can contain messages such as a confidentiality notice, the company's name, and so on.
- Preventing Auto-Previewing of Results. The results of an analysis are displayed when editing views of data. You can specify that you prefer that the content designer explicitly asks to view the results.
- Setting Defaults for Analyses in the Compound Layout. The results of a newly formed analysis are displayed as a title view followed by either a table or pivot table in a compound layout. A table is created if the analysis contains only attribute columns, and a pivot table is created if the analysis contains at least one hierarchical column. You can specify that the compound view should default to a different assemblage of views, such as a narrative followed by a graph. The content designer can still add and rearrange views within the compound layout.
- Changing Dashboards Section Defaults. By default, the results of drilling in a dashboard are displayed on a new page, section names are not displayed in the dashboard, and sections can be expanded and collapsed. You can change this default.
- Specifying Dashboard Page Defaults Including Headers and Footers. By default, dashboards are printed without headers or footers and in a portrait orientation.
- Including Links with Analyses on Dashboards. By default, the results of embedded analyses are displayed within the dashboard without including any links. You can specify that newly added analyses default to having Edit and Refresh links, for example.
logoncontrolmessages.xml | Logon Page |
dashboardtemplates.xml | Dashboard page |
<sawm:if name="criteriaType" op="nequals" value="physical">
<sawm:if name="privileges['View.tableView'].EditView">
<sawm:if name="enablePDF">
<sawm:if name="helpURL">
<sawm:setParam name="target">_self</sawm:setParam>
11g Directory custom
The directory where you need to place the custom messages
- Language-specific messages : ORACLE_INSTANCE\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obipsn\msgdb\l_xx
- Language-independent messages must be located in ORACLE_INSTANCE\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obipsn\msgdb\l_en directory. Messages default to l_en if a language-specific version is not found.
11g Directory not custom (Original)
This files must not not updated
- Language-specific messages are located in the ORACLE_HOME\bifoundation\web\msgdb\l_xx\messages directory, where xx is the language identifier of the selected locale (for example, for english-usa, the identifier is en).
- Language-independent messages are located in the ORACLE_HOME\bifoundation\web\msgdb\messages directory.