Statistics - Resistant

Thomas Bayes


A statistic that is not affected by outliers is called resistant.

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Distribution - (Mean|Average) (M| | )

The average is a measure of center that statisticians call the mean. To calculate the mean, you add all numbers and divide the total by the number of numbers (N). The mean is not resistant. The...
Data System Architecture
Distribution - Measures of (center|central tendency) (Mean, Median, Mode)

A Measure of central tendency is a measure that describes the middle or center point of a distribution. A good measure of central tendency is representative of the distribution. The mean, the median and...
Data System Architecture
Quantile - (Median|Middle)

The median is a measure of center. The middle number of a set of data is the median. This measure is resistant. The median is a 50th percentile (or “middle” quartile). Half of the data is below the...

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