Oracle Database - Logical Structure

Card Puncher Data Processing


The physical structures of the database contain logical structures:

Because the physical and logical structures are separate, the physical storage of data can be managed without affecting the access to logical storage structures.

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Oracle Segment Extent Data Block
Oracle Database - (Data|Db|Logical|Oracle) Block or Page

Articles which talk : block management. ?? At the finest level of granularity in the logical structure of an Oracle Database, the data is stored in data blocks. The data block sizes should be a...
Oracle Segment Extent Data Block
Oracle Database - (Logical) Extent (Unit of Storage)

An extent is a group of contiguous data blocks. An extent can contain data from only one data file. An extent is a logical unit of database storage space allocation made up of a number of (contiguous|ordered)...
Oracle Segment Extent Data Block
Oracle Database - (Logical) Segment (Database Object Storage)

A segment is a logical storage structure that contains data structure (segment type) of database objects. For example: each table's data is stored in its own data segment, while each index's data...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is a repository of metadata. The data dictionary of Oracle is stored in the SYS schema. Each Oracle database has a data dictionary, which is a set of tables and views that serve as...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - Data Files

Every Oracle database has one or more physical datafiles (OS File), which contain all the database data. The data of logical database structures, such as tables and indexes, is physically stored in the...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - Database

A database in the context of Oracle is a collection of files (physical structures): data files, control files, redo log files ... A database may be mounted and opened by many instances. This...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - Schema Object

The schema Objects are logical structures of data stored physically in data file and categorized in a schema. private synonym Database objects that are owned by a user are schema...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - TableSpace

A tablespace is a logical data structure which is physically represented by one or more datafiles physically. From a analysis point of view, a tablespace is a group of one or more: physic datafile....

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