Oracle Database - System Identifier (SID)

Card Puncher Data Processing


The System Identifier (SID) identifies a specific database instance. The SID uniquely distinguishes the instance from any other instance on the same computer. Each database instance requires a unique SID and database name. In most cases, the SID is the same as the database name portion of the global database name.

A name that identifies a specific instance of a running pre-release 8.1 Oracle database. For any database, there is at least one instance referencing the database.

For pre-release 8.1 databases, SID is used to identify the database. The SID is included in the connect descriptor of a tnsnames.ora file and in the definition of the listener in the listener.ora file.

Oracle Database File Location Variable

Each instance have an unique name :

SID or service name

If the destination service is:

  • an Oracle8i or later release database, then use Service Name
  • an Oracle release 8.0 database, then use the SID

Sid Or Service Name

How to

change it

To change the name of an existing database, you must use the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement to re-create your control files and specify a new database name.

See it

select * from V$SERVICES;

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