Oracle Database - Trace File (.trc)

Card Puncher Data Processing


Trace File are trace (or dump) file that Oracle Database creates to help you diagnose and resolve operating problems.

Each server and background process writes to a trace file. When a process detects an internal error, it writes information about the error to its trace file.

Linux File Format

The file name format of a trace file is sid_processname_unixpid.trc, where:

  • sid is the instance system identifier
  • processname is a three or four-character abbreviated process name identifying the Oracle Database process that generated the file (for example: pmon, dbwr, ora, or reco)
  • unixpid is the operating system process ID number

The following is a sample trace file name:


where ORACLE_BASE is the Oracle Base Directory

How to

Format it

SQL Developer

To see a formatted display of a SQL Trace file, drag the *.trc file onto the area above the SQL Worksheet (or open it by clicking File, then Open).


Oracle - Tkprof



Set the MAX_DUMP_FILE initialization parameter to at least 5000, to ensure that the trace file is large enough to store error information.

Documentation / Reference

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