Oracle Database - Sample Schemas

Card Puncher Data Processing


Oracle Database provide Sample Schemas which are filled with sample data.



Schema Sales History (SH) is designed to allow for demos with large amounts of data. An extension to this schema provides support for advanced analytic processing with OLAP Services

The SH schema is an Oracle Database Sample Schemas. It is used on this web site for a lot of example and you can find it in a lot of Oracle By Example Series.


SCOTT is a simple database schema with two tables EMP and DEPT but as this is a minimal model, it tends to deprecated in the Oracle documentation.

From an Oracle installation (@ ?/rdbms/admin/scott.sql)

  • EMP,
Name                             Null?    Type
 -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
 EMPNO                            NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                                     VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)
 JOB                                       VARCHAR2(9 CHAR)
 MGR                                       NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                                  DATE
 SAL                                       NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                                      NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                                    NUMBER(2)

  • DEPT,
Name                             Null?    Type
 -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
 DEPTNO                           NOT NULL NUMBER(2)
 DNAME                                     VARCHAR2(14 CHAR)
 LOC                                       VARCHAR2(13 CHAR)

Name                             Null?    Type
 -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
 ENAME                                     VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)
 JOB                                       VARCHAR2(9 CHAR)
 SAL                                       NUMBER
 COMM                                      NUMBER

Name                             Null?    Type
 -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
 GRADE                            NOT NULL NUMBER
 LOSAL                                     NUMBER
 HISAL                                     NUMBER


The Oracle By Example Series for the version 10g of OBIEE is also based on this schema. If you know all the steps to configure OBIEE, you can find the archive which contains the metadata based on the SH schema here:


From a database installation

With the start sql plus command after database installation


From git



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