This technique allow you to :
- mix two facts table with two different grains (the level based partitioning)
- perform a densification (to preserve dimension value) : OBIEE - Densification with the fact-based fragmentation capabilities
- partition vertically your fact table
- federated the query of two different data sources : OBIEE - Federated Query with Excel Sheet
It's also known as :
- Fact-based partitioning
- Fact partitioning outer join
- Fact-based fragmentation
You implement it by creating in the Business Model Layer:
- one logical fact table with two logical tables source for the same level of content
- two logical fact tables joined with the same logical dimension (known as conforming Dimensions)
When minimum one measure of each logical fact table are included in the query, the BI Server generates two queries for each logical table source and perform a full outer join between them by the dimension columns.
The physical sql issued depends of some database parameters: OBIEE - How to control the use of the WITH CLAUSE and of STITCH Join ?