Vega - A visualization grammar

Card Puncher Data Processing


With vega, you can describe the visual appearance and interactive behavior of a visualization in a JSON format, and generate:

  • raster graphics with HTML5 canvas
  • or vector graphics with svg.

Vega require verbose specifications:

  • control flow is handled by the model,
  • but the logic of event and data processing must be explicitly provided.

As a result, Vega is not an ideal language to quickly analyze data. Vega Lite focuses on rapid creation of common statistical graphics by compiling to Vega.



From vega/voyager, you can copy a vega graphic definition. See Voyager online


var vlSpec = {
    "$schema": "",
    "data": {
      "values": [
        {"a": "C", "b": 2}, {"a": "C", "b": 7}, {"a": "C", "b": 4},
        {"a": "D", "b": 1}, {"a": "D", "b": 2}, {"a": "D", "b": 6},
        {"a": "E", "b": 8}, {"a": "E", "b": 4}, {"a": "E", "b": 7}
    "mark": "bar",
    "encoding": {
      "y": {"field": "a", "type": "nominal"},
      "x": {
        "aggregate": "average", "field": "b", "type": "quantitative",
        "axis": {
          "title": "Average of b"

var opt = {
   actions: false,
   renderer: "svg"
vegaEmbed("#vis", vlSpec, opt);
<!-- Container for the visualization -->
<div id="vis"></div>  
/* Add space between Vega-Embed links  */
.vega-actions a {
    margin-right: 5px;

Documentation / Reference

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Data Visualization (vis|viz|graphic|image)

This section contains software or library that implements data visualization features. Name Type Dashboard and Reporting Dashboard and Reporting Dashboard Reporting Reporting Important:...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Observable - Vega

vega in Observable.

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