OBIEE 10G/11G - Ports

Obi Edition


The port used by the OBIEE application



Have a look to the file:

<BIInstanceDeployment biInstanceName="coreapplication" numJavaHosts="1" numPresentationServers="1" numBiServers="1" numClusterControllers="1" numSchedulers="1" numEssbaseAgents="0" portRangeStart="9702" portRangeEnd="9717" listenAddress="*">
	<BIComponent id="coreapplication_obis1" componentType="OracleBIServerComponent" port="9702" monitorPort="9709"/>
	<BIComponent id="coreapplication_obiccs1" componentType="OracleBIClusterControllerComponent" port="9712" monitorPort="9713"/>
	<BIComponent id="coreapplication_obijh1" componentType="OracleBIJavaHostComponent" port="9714"/>
	<BIComponent id="coreapplication_obips1" componentType="OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent" port="9711"/>
	<BIComponent id="coreapplication_obisch1" componentType="OracleBISchedulerComponent" port="9715" monitorPort="9716" scriptRPCPort="9717"/>
  • DOMAIN_HOME/opmn/topology.xml
  • WLS_HOME/common/nodemanager/ (node manager port default 9501)

OBIEE 11g: How To Change the System Component Ports Via MBeans System Browser in Enterprise Manager


Obiee Relationships Between Oracle Bi Infrastructure Components

Port used for found
5555 Oracle IIOP-server port (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) internal-settings.xml
5556 Oracle IIOP-server SSL port internal-settings.xml
5557 Oracle IIOP-server Client-Server SSL port internal-settings.xml
7000 Discovery port for coordinator of Java cache javacache.xml
9127 JMS Server port jms.xml
9700 Monitor Controller port for Intra Cluster Communication with Cluster Controllers NQClusterConfig.INI
9701 Monitor Server port for Intra Cluster Communication with clustered Analytics Server NQClusterConfig.INI
9703 Remote procedure call port of Oracle BI Server NQSConfig.ini
9703 Outfacing port used for ODBC connections NQClusterConfig.ini
9704 standard port for presentation services instanceconfig.xml
9704 used for Web Browser access, in Catalog manager etc. default-web-site.xml
9705 standard port for BI Server scheduler instanceconfig.xml
9706 Client controller part Clustering NQClusterConfig.ini
9710 port for ISAPI isapiconfig.xml
9810 Java Host port instanceconfig.xml
23791 Remote Method Invoker (RMI) port rmi.xml
23943 Remote Method Invoker (RMI) SSL port rmi.xml

Documentation / Reference

  • Note: 759312.1 - How to change the ports by default of oracle bi and oc4j (9703, 9704 and 9705) ?
  • Note: 550441.1 - How to change default port 9704 of OC4J ?

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