The saw url (Siebel Analytics Web) is the base url that command BI Presentation Service and call different (modules|applications|command)
Where Cmd can be:
- go to navigate to a report and/or filter data
- dashboard to navigate to a dashboard
- issuerawsql to issue SQL and ODBC function:
- privilegeadmin to define privilege
- downloadFile (only in 11g)
- ManageSession (&Action=CloseAllCursors&DoneSessions&Done=Admin)
- UserPreferences (My Account)
- Logoff
- …
You may have different url parameters depending on the module. It's then an API.
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Any URL parameters, nQUser, nQPassword, Impersonate take precedence over SSO authentication.
An URL must be encoded before that you can use it.
- All spaces must be replace with the %20 sign
- When you cast a number as char, you may have to trim it to suppress the blank character
- When you pass a string variable, you may have to replace the blank character by %20